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Part Time Investors
DDD Mindset Club
What is the DDD Mindset Club?
The DDD Mindset Club is an exclusive Club within Left Field Investors that serves as a platform for private investors in 506(c) and 506(b) private placements trained by Marc Halpern on DEEP due diligence ("DDD") for the primary goals of:
forming independent informal alliances to perform joint DEEP due diligence on private placement opportunities with other like-minded DDD members
networking in-person, online and at Family Office Club Summits
asking questions in a private forum
The DDD Mindset Club is exclusive because every member MUST be both trained AND committed to performing DEEP due diligence before investing in a private placement opportunity. According to multiple syndicators, fund managers and project sponsors with whom we spoke, only about 5% of private investors perform actual DEEP due diligence. That is why DDD Mindset Club members are differentiated from the majority of other private investors.
Why DEEP Due Diligence ("DDD")?
Private placement investments can be high-risk or very high-risk unless DEEP due diligence is performed on the upside of the opportunity, every conceivable risk and two levels of the sponsors and operators. To be sure, DEEP due diligence DOES NOT ELIMINATE RISK, but it does minimize risk by uncovering and addressing unknown factors. DEEP due diligence is crucial for constructing a portfolio of private placement investments that, as a whole, has a higher probability of higher returns than if DEEP due diligence is not performed (i.e., "regular" due diligence or little due diligence).
In other words, a few hours of performing DEEP due diligence before investing in each 506(c) or 506(b) in a portfolio is a worthwhile effort that minimizes risk and increases portfolio performance. Despite that only a small percentage of private investors have the mindset, patience and mental bandwidth to perform DEEP due diligence. Are you one of those people?
What are the Benefits of Membership in the DDD Mindset Club?
The most valuable benefit of membership in the DDD Mindset Club is forming alliances with other like-minded private investors in the 5% who are both trained and committed to actually performing DEEP due diligence before wiring money to invest in a private placement opportunity.
Other benefits of DDD Mindset Club membership include a private forum for discussing specific opportunities, syndicators, fund managers, project sponsors, how to construct a well-diversified portfolio of private placement opportunities, using self-directed retirement plans and other topics addressed in Marc Halpern's course "High-Return Private Placement Investing: Best Practices & Risk Management."
Another unique benefit of membership in the DDD Mindset Club is inner circle treatment at Family Office Club Summits (typically in New York) and Super Summits (typically in Fort Lauderdale) when 10 or more DDD Mindset Club members attend. These Summits and Super Summits are the premier venue to meet with 506(c) and 506(b) sponsors as well as ultra high net worth individuals and family offices. DDD Mindset Club membership includes private in-person meetings between our DDD Mindset Club members and syndicators, fund managers and project sponsors. These private meetings provide us with the unique opportunity to perform DEEP due diligence TOGETHER and IN-PERSON on best-in-class capital raisers, as a group of private investors who naturally perform DEEP due diligence.
Of course, membership in the DDD Mindset Club includes all of the other benefits enjoyed by LFI Infielders, including access to dozens of LFI discussion forums, recorded webinar library, blogs, meetings, access to additional syndicators, fund managers and project sponsors, spreadsheets such as “Deal Analyzer”, “Sponsor Screener” and “Sponsor Summary” that currently has 59 sponsors in their database, access to private forums such as “Deal Discussions,” “Sponsor Discussions” and even “Red Flag Sponsors” to avoid, access to TribeVest including a TribeFinder Club for ACCREDITED investors currently with 59 members and another separate TribeFinder Club for NON-ACCREDITED investors currently with 25 members, as well as local LFI Club meetings and the annual national LFI conference.
If you are a serious investor, this collection of benefits is enormous!
How To Qualify for DDD Mindset Club Membership
Since the DDD Mindset Club is an exclusive Club that is limited to the 5% of private investors who are trained and committed to performing DEEP due diligence, there are several requirements to be eligible for membership in the DDD Mindset Club.
All of the following requirements MUST be met to qualify for DDD Mindset Club Membership:
1. You must be an LFI "Infielder" in good standing. You can join Left Field Investors and register as an "Infielder"at
2. You must have been trained LIVE by Marc Halpern in his full-day course "High-Return Private Placement Investing: Best Practices & Risk Management" either in-person or on Zoom.
3. If you purchase the streaming video version of the course without attending live in-person or on Zoom, you must be interviewed by the Membership Committee to ensure that you are committed to performing DEEP due diligence on private placement opportunities and not relying on the other members who ARE committed to performing DEEP due diligence.
4. Members of the DDD Mindset Club cannot raise capital for their own investment offerings, such as 506(c)'s or 506(b)'s, from other members of the Club and cannot sell services such as legal, accounting or insurance to other members of the Club. We want to keep the Club free from selling pressures.
Q: I'd like to understand the responsibilities and time requirements involved with being part of the DDD Mindset Club. As an example, do we have to commit time to analyzing deals we don't personally want to invest in?
A: There is no obligation whatsoever to invest any time in any of the activities of the DDD Mindset Club if you do not invest any of your own money in any of the projects evaluated. However, as you correctly anticipated, you will benefit a lot more if you invest time performing joint DEEP due diligence with other Club members on those specific projects in which you are seriously considering investing. You can invest anywhere between zero hours per year and a lot of hours per year engaging in DDD Mindset Club activities.
In other words, there certainly is no obligation to participate in DEEP due diligence discussions on any project in which you do not invest.
HOWEVER...if you do invest your money in a specific private placement investment for which DEEP due diligence is performed by Club members, it is expected that you WILL PROACTIVELY participate in that particular DEEP due diligence effort. Our highly cooperative, highly active members will not be pleased if someone joins the Club just to invest money without performing any joint DEEP due diligence on a project for which everyone else has invested their time and mental bandwidth to deeply evaluate that project.
To further clarify, if you don't have dry powder (liquid cash available for investment at a given moment), there is absolutely no expectation that you participate in DEEP due diligence until you do have dry powder. Most members very actively participate in DEEP due diligence only part of the year since it is rare for an investor to have liquid cash available for investment all the time.
For reference, following is the content of the course:
High Return Private Placement Investing
Best Practices & Risk Management
Presenter: Marc Halpern
In this intense full-day course, Marc Halpern teaches passive private investors his best practices to identify, screen, manage risk and build a portfolio of high-return private placement investments that are passive after performing DEEP due diligence.
Course Agenda:
1. Common Categories of Private Placement Investments
2. Set Your Expectations (risk tolerance, income & growth)
3. Risk Management Basics
4. Documentation
5. Apartment Syndication - Example & Analysis
6. Diversifying a Private Placement Investment Portfolio - 10 Examples
7. High-Risk Private Venture Investing
8. Deals Rejected - 10 Examples
9. How to Access Private Placement Investment Opportunities
10. Process of Private Placement Investing
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