Part Time Investors
Thank you for purchasing the Smarter Investing home study course our special event! We are confident that you will find the valuable high-quality content to be productive, enjoyable and empowering!!
Part Time Investors LLC will send you an Email shortly that will provide the details how to access the video training (through Vimeo streaming video) and the bonus materials. This page will also describe how to best approach the highly detailed content.
Smarter Investing Home Study Course
Important Note: We want to emphasize that the directions to set up your username and password must be followed EXACTLY when you access for the first time the Smarter Investing home study course video training lectures on the Vimeo platform. Part Time Investors LLC and Marc Halpern cannot reset or recover the password for you so be sure to keep your username and password in a safe place. You will be given a personal code for ONE-TIME use that will give you unlimited access thereafter to the Smarter Investing home study course. Once you use the code, you will not need it again and it will expire immediately upon use.
Streaming Video is Extremely Versatile: The Smarter Investing training videos are provided as streaming video, through the Vimeo platform, on any device to which you have internet access such as smartphone, tablet, computer, SmartTV, Chromebook, etc. This means that you can watch and listen to the valuable content anywhere, anytime on any of your devices connected to the internet. Please note that if your device is not connected to free wifi, data charges may apply from your internet service provider. The Vimeo streaming video platform is much more versatile than using constrained storage space on your devices or even carrying around obsolete DVD’s. That is why we chose Vimeo as the platform.
You will be sent shortly the following files to access your training materials and bonuses:
1. The file [1 - Set Up Your Vimeo Account for Smarter Investing.pdf] provides the detailed instructions to set up your free Vimeo account that will give you access to the 22-hours of valuable lectures of the Smarter Investing home study course. Please note that if we add lectures to the course in the future, you will have access to those lectures at no additional charge!
2. The certificate shown in the file [2 - Certificate for Coaching.pdf] is your personal certificate for one hour of 1-on-1 coaching with Marc Halpern (if you purchased this training package before the second break of the Saturday Workshop) by Zoom video conference or by phone. The certificate must be redeemed by December 31, 2020. The highest and best use of the 1-on-1 coaching with Marc Halpern is best achieved by [1] watching the Smarter Investing home study course first, [2] writing down your questions as you watch the training videos and [3] writing down your personal starting point and goals for prosperity and happiness.
3. The eBook file [3 - eBook Which Real Estate Investment Strategy is Best for YOU - Marc Halpern 2020 Apr.pdf] contains the eBook “Which Real Estate Investment Strategy is Best for YOU?” This eBook describes the advantages, disadvantages and keys to success for the four primary real estate investment strategies of flipping, rentals, lease-option and wholesaling so that you can decided how to choose which strategy or simultaneous strategies are most appropriate for your personal situation to customize your financial life plan. In the future, we will add three secondary (more passive) real estate investment strategies to this book that will include private lending (as the lender), apartment syndication investing (as passive equity investors) and note investing. For your convenience, links are shown throughout the eBook that point to the specific relevant lectures of the Smarter Investing home study course that you purchased. Since the Smarter Investing home study course is provided as streaming video, just click on the link (if you have access to internet), scroll to the appropriate time shown in the link button and you can benefit from more detailed information.
4. The file [4 - How Passive is Passive Income.pdf] is a bonus report that not only defies the conventional wisdom of rentals being totally passive income, but much more importantly quantifies how much money landlords (and others) make per hour of ongoing active management of the activity. In the case of rental real estate, veteran landlords who learn from their mistakes (or learn from the best practices described in the Smarter Investing home study course), typically make 10 times more per hour of incremental tenant management. This is an eye-opening report that also discusses the degree of passiveness of private lending, website advertising, royalties, MLM (multi-level marketing) and note investing.
5. The file [5 - Are 5-10 SFH Rentals Enough.pdf] is a bonus report that shows that in retirement, most couples can live comfortably without dipping into savings if they own 5-10 single family home rentals. Just like Marc Halpern, you don’t need to build an empire to cover routine needs in retirement, which is when most people have time and ability to enjoy life the most.
6. The file [6 - Are You Scared Money Will Run Out.pdf] is a bonus report that shows that the median net worth of most people in every age group is not enough to last a long enough time if they lose their source of income. The report shows the flaws in the classical “Accumulation-Deaccumulation” model of retirement. The report also notes that rentals are an excellent way to avoid running out of money.
7. The file [7 - Fear in Real Estate Investing - Costs and Benefits.pdf] is a bonus report that quantifies the economic loss of delaying investing in real estate. The report shows how the paralyzing lack of a decision to invest in real estate can cost $10,000 per month of passive income and $2 million in net worth. The report also shows the benefit that fear is a great motivator to perform proper due diligence required for successful real estate investing.
8. The file [8 - Highest and Best Use of Resources.pdf] is a bonus report that highlights the optimization thought process called “highest and best use of resources” and is illustrated for real estate, mortgage acceleration (often NOT highest and best use of resources), Roth conversion, the BRRRR strategy, landlording, and time & skills. You will more greatly appreciate that purchasing the Smarter Investing home study course was a highest and best use of resources, though you must implement what you learn to realize the benefit.
Again, I am confident that you will find the content of these training materials very practical, quite in-depth, thought-provoking and will help you improve your performance in both real estate investing and in life.
If you have any questions about the training materials, please contact us using the form shown at https://www.parttimeinvestorsllc.com/contact-us and we will respond in a timely manner.
Enjoy and be prosperous!
Marc Halpern
Part Time Investors LLC